Set up the Microsoft Teams App "Kiko Bot"
This tutorial, you will learn how to set up the "Kiko Bot" app for your Microsoft Teams client using screenshots. The employees of your company can then also reach your chatbot from the Kiko CMS via a chat in Teams and ask questions about employees or services, for example.
| Steps
| Screens
| To begin, the Kiko Bot app must be installed by the IT admin.
click the 3-dot menu
after "More Apps
select "Kiko Bot" and add it
| |
| Initially, the Kiko Bot app is connected to a general setup chatbot on the Kiko server. This chatbot assists the IT admin with registration in the Kiko CMS.
Write "Register"
| |
| During registration, a password assignment link is sent to the email address stored in the Microsoft Teams account.
Check values
Enter new password
Repeat new password
| In the "Kiko Bot" app in Microsoft Teams:
From now on you can use a demo bot and edit your first content in the Kiko CMS.
5 | You can test the chatbot via the keywords such as employees or documents.
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